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Blackard to travel to Croatia in October

The CEO of Zero Global Waste, Jeffory D. Blackard, is traveling to several cities in Croatia during the second week of October with a delegation that includes Former United States Senator, Congressman, and Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum. In addition to a speaking engagement at the Adriatic Health and Tourism Investment Forum, the delegation will host meetings with government officials and esteemed individuals from the business community and will be hosted by Chairman of C.I.O.S. d.o.o., Petar Pripuz.

Zero Global Waste is focused on developing alternative fuel infrastructure using advanced technologies and market disruptive approaches. The company is commercializing a revolutionary proprietary technology that has the potential to fundamentally alter the waste-to-fuel market throughout the world.

We are excited about the possibility of Croatia being the first venue for our sustainable approaches to alternative energy generation that are economically beneficial, environmentally-friendly, and help preserve and re-use natural resources. If successful, this technology will bring hundreds of jobs to The Republic of Croatia.

C.I.O.S. d.o.o. (Ltd) is the leading regional company for disposal and primary processing of industrial waste and domestic as well as foreign trade. At more than 60 sites in the region, it processes approximately 750.000 tons of waste, and employs 1 thousand 3 hundred workers, out of that, approximately one thousand in Croatia.

The delegation from Zero Global Waste is looking forward to learning as much as we can about C.I.O.S. and how Zero Global Waste can form a strategic alliance with CIOS group, the most significant waste management group in the region, to revolutionize the waste business around the world.

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